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Industrial VS Commercial VS Residential Electrical Installation

Hey, in this article we are going to see the comparison between Industrial, Commercial, and Residential Electrical installation. We will make compare with respect to types, procedure, cost, safety, equipment, and many other essential factors. First of all, let's know what is electrical installation. Electrical installation is a procedure to install electrical circuits, wirings, equipment, and machines. The electrical installation can be divided into three major parts - 1. Installing of electrical equipment or device or machine 2. Make electrical connection or wiring for them 3. Provide them proper voltage and power to operate them. These different types of electrical installation required different types of electricians and management. For example, commercial electrical installation requires commercial electricians, industrial electrical installation requires industrial electricians, and residential electrical installation requires residential electricians. We already published an ...

Diploma level 298 project idea list

  1.  4 Digit Object Counter
  2. 8 Digit Object Counter
  3. 8 Digit Pulse Counter
  4. 8 Digit Frequency Meter
  5. Digital Flow Meter
  6. Automatic Digital Time Switch System
  7. Automatic Frequency Counter
  8. Automatic Tank Monitoring and Controlling System
  9. Digital Anemometer (Wind Speed)
  10. Digital Bank Token Number Display System
  11. Digital Clock cum Calendar
  12. Digital Sequence Detector
  13. Digital Tacho Meter
  14. Digital Taxi Fare Meterv
  15. Digital Temperature monitoring system
  16. Digital Thermometer
  17. Digital Thickness Calculator
  18. Digital Visitor Counter
  19. Digital Wide Range Thermometer
  20. Frequency Meter and Event Counter Module
  21. Infrared interruption counter
  22. Programmable Oil level Monitoring and Controlling System
  23. Programmable Speed Control for DC Motor
  24. Programmable Temperature Monitor and Control
  25. Automatic Railway Gate Controlling
  26. Railway Signaling and Gate Controlling
  27. Railway Information Display System for Passengers
  28. Remote Control for Home Appliances
  29. Stepper Motor Control System
  30. Auto rotating Video graphic Camera
  31. Air Cooling System Based On Temperature
  32. Tachometer for Motors
  33. Temperature Indicator and Controller
  34. Microcontroller Programmer and Development Board
  35. Microchip Programmer and Development Kit
  36. Temperature, Humidity Measurement and Control System
  37. Ultra Sonic Liquid Level Indicator
  38. Ultra Sonic Distance Meter
  39. Automatic Flow Monitoring System
  40. Microprocessor Based Automatic Street Lamp Controlling System
  41. Microprocessor Based Electronic Advertisement Display
  42. Microprocessor Based Security System
  43. Microprocessor Based Attendance Register
  44. Microprocessor Based Automatic Railway Gate Controlling System
  45. Microprocessor Based Home Automation System
  46. Microprocessor Based Moving Message Display
  47. Microcontroller Based Flow Meter
  48. Microprocessor Based Temperature Controller
  49. Microprocessor Based Telephone Answering Machine
  50. Microprocessor Based Token Number with Speech Facility
  51. Microprocessor Based Traffic Light System
  52. Microprocessor Based Fat Detection in Milk
  53. Microprocessor Based Sprinkler Controller
  54. Microprocessor Based Industrial Safety Monitoring System
  55. Microprocessor Based Industrial Power Monitoring System
  56. Microprocessor Based Train Speed Indicator cum Information Provider System
  57. Microprocessor Based Digital IC Tester
  58. Microcontroller Based Flow Control System
  59. Microprocessor Based Parking System
  60. Development board For 8051/8031
  61. Microprocessor Based Lift / Elevator Controller
  62. Microcontroller Based Robotic Model
  63. Microcontroller Based Level Indicator
  64. Microcontroller Based Fuel indicator
  65. RFID System for Animals
  66. RFID Based System for Trains
  67. Advance Automated System Public Transport Buses
  68. RFID Based Automatic Parking System
  69. RFID Based Automatic Toll Collection of Vehicles
  70. RFID Based System for Military Vehicles
  71. GPS Based Tracking System for Military Vehicles
  72. Biometric Time & Attendance System
  73. RFID Based Time & Attendance System
  74. Remote Control of Washing Machine
  75. Remote Controlled Stepper Motor Controller
  76. Blind Mobility Aid
  77. Electronic Voting Machine
  78. Gas Leakage Detector
  79. Gas Sensing Fire Alarm system
  80. Home Automation System
  81. IC Tester
  82. Digital Heart Beat Counter
  83. DSP Based Patient Monitoring System
  84. Automated Plant Watering System
  85. Wireless Car Security System
  86. Data Acquisition System DSP Based Number Plate Reader
  87. Microprocessor Based Home Monitoring System
  88. Remote Fan Regulator
  89. Fuel Consumption Meter
  90. Industrial Flow Meter
  91. Automatic Emergency Torch
  92. Automatic Room Power Control
  93. Battery tester
  94. Clap Switch
  95. Contactless AC Mains Voltage Detector
  96. Darkness Controlled Light switch
  97. Decibel Meter
  98. Digital IC Tester for 74 series
  99. Digital Switching System
  100. Digital Visitor Counter (AT89C2051)
  101. Electronic Voting Machine (AT89S8252)
  102. Electronics Components Tester (AT89C52)
  103. Fan Controller
  104. Fingerprint Based Electronic Voting Machine
  105. Fingerprint Based Security System
  106. Gates Emulator (AT89C2051)
  107. Home Security System (AT89S52)
  108. Infrared Cordless Headphone
  109. Infrared Interruption counters (AT89C2051)
  110. Infrared Remote Switch (6 devices + 1 fan) -AT89S52
  111. Infrared Remote Switch (AT89C2051)
  113. LED 12 Volt Lead Acid Battery Meter
  114. LED Chaser
  115. LIGHT Intensity Tracker
  116. Line Following Robot (AT89C2051)
  117. Microcontroller Based Digital code Lock (AT89C2051)
  118. Microcontroller Interfaced to eight LED's and eight switches
  119. Multi pattern Running Lights (AT89C2051)
  120. Password Based Door Locking (AT89C2051)
  121. Remote Controlled Digital Clock with DS1307 & AT89C2051
  122. Solar tracking System (AT89C2051)
  123. Temperature-controlled Fan (AT89S52)
  125. Traffic Light Controller (AT89C2051)
  126. 3 element boiler drum level controller
  127. 33-Volt Tuning Voltage
  128. 4-axis Stepper Motor Control (excluding motors)
  129. 8051 Testing and Development Kit
  130. 8-CHANNEL DAS
  131. 9 Volt 2 Amp Power Supply
  132. Automated Milk Collection System for Dairies with/without printing facility
  133. Automated Vehicle Detection and Collision Avoidance System
  134. Automatic Bottle Filling System
  135. Automatic Car Parking System
  136. Automatic college bell
  137. Automatic College Bell (AT89S8252 & DS1307)
  138. Automatic Control of Unmanned Rail Gate
  139. Automatic Drug Delivery System - Glucose Sensor Based
  140. Automatic Electronic Bell
  141. Automatic Garage Door Control with Safety System
  142. Automatic plant Irrigation (AT89C2051)
  143. Automatic Pressure Measurement and Control
  144. Automatic Railway Signaling System
  145. Automatic Room light Controller with Visitor Counter (AT89S52)
  146. Automatic Street Light Control Using LDR
  147. Automatic Toll Tax
  148. Automatic Water Level Sensing & Over Head Tank Control System
  149. Automation of bottle filling Plant
  150. Automation of Bottle Filling Plant Using Micro Controller.
  151. Bidirectional Speed Control of Small Dc Motor and RPM Counter
  152. Bus Arrival Indication System
  153. Bus arrival indication using IR sensor
  155. Canteen Automation
  156. Central System for Hospitals for Patient̢۪s Tablets Reminder
  157. Computerized Drilling Machine
  158. Dark Activated Switch
  159. Data Acquisition System for 8-channels
  161. DC motor Speed control using Choppers
  162. DC Motor Speed Control Using IR & PWM
  163. DC Motor Speed Control using PC parallel port
  164. DC Motor Speed Control using PC serial port
  165. DC Motor Speed Control using PWM
  166. DC Motor speed control using PWM with speed display
  167. Design for an Automated Door Locks (Smart Keyless Entry)
  168. Digital Countdown Timer (AT89C2051)
  169. Digital Countdown Timer (AT89C2051)
  170. Distance Measurement using Ultrasonic Sensor
  171. Distance Measurement Using Ultrasonic Transducer
  172. Drilling Robot
  173. Efficient Air Conditioner System
  174. Electrical Power Control using SCR
  175. Electronic Intruder Detection and Warning System
  176. Embedded Length Measurement System
  177. Embedded Multipurpose Controller
  178. Embedded Shutter Opener with Code Lock & Security Features
  179. Fault Finding and Sending System
  180. Fire detector
  181. Fire Fighting Robotic System
  182. Food Ph Measurement System
  184. Gate Access Control System
  185. Graphics LCD Based Image Display System
  186. Green House Automation Using Micro Controller
  187. Heart Rate Meter (Digital) -Non Microcontroller Seven Segment Display
  188. Heart Rate Monitor
  189. Highway Car Identification System
  190. Home/Office Automation System
  192. Hotel Automation for Ordering and Billing
  193. I2C protocol
  195. Intelligent Emergency Light
  197. Irrigation Robot
  198. Level Measurement Using Ultrasonic
  199. Liquid Flow Indicator
  200. Micro Controller based automatic Saline end central monitoring system
  201. Micro controller based automation of Drilling Robot
  202. Micro Controller based body height and weight measurement system using load cell and IR sensors
  203. Micro Controller based canteen automation system
  204. Micro controller based Dam control system for power Generation
  205. Micro Controller Based Dam Control System.
  206. Micro controller based digital screw gauge using stepper motors
  207. Micro Controller Based Milk Collection System for Dairies With/Without Printer Facility
  208. Micro Controller based milk collection system for dairies with without printer facility
  209. Micro Controller Based Prepaid Parking System
  210. Micro Controller Based Railway Traffic Monitoring and Control System
  211. Micro Controller Based Rolling Display for Bus with Voice Announcement
  212. Micro Controller based rolling display for Bus with voice announcement (Using RPM sensor and Motor)
  213. Micro Controller Based Stepper Motor Controller with LCD Facility
  214. Micro Controller Based Toll Collection System Using Rfid Technique
  215. Micro Controller Based Traffic Light Controller
  216. Micro Controller based visitor counter
  217. Micro Controller Testing and Development Board
  218. Microcontroller based automatic dam shutter open close system
  219. Microcontroller Based Automatic Door Opening With Password Protection
  220. Microcontroller Based Boiler Management System
  221. Microcontroller Based Car Security System
  222. Microcontroller Based Digital Clock with Alarm
  223. Microcontroller Based Distance Meter
  224. Microcontroller Based Fire Detection and Early Warning System
  225. Microcontroller Based Fluid Tank Level and Capacity Measurement
  226. Microcontroller Based Fuel Injection System for Automobiles
  227. Microcontroller Based Moving Message Display
  228. Microcontroller based Quiz System
  229. Microcontroller Based Soil Analyzer
  230. Microprocessor Based Thermometer Device
  231. Motion Sensing System (IR Sensor)
  232. Multi Channel Temperature Scanner and Controller
  233. Multi channel Water Heating System with Different Set Points
  234. Non Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring System Using Micro Controller
  235. Non invasive blood pressure monitoring system using Micro Controller and RTC
  236. Object Detection and Guidance System for Blinds
  237. Office Automation for Saving Electricity
  238. Patient Body Temperature Measurement System
  239. Patient Body Temperature Monitoring System
  240. Prediction and Prevention System to Avoid Train Collision
  241. Prediction for Arrival Timing of City Bus
  242. Prepaid automated toll collection system using micro controller and height/weight sensors
  243. Sequencer and Controller Using Micro Controller
  244. Smart Blind Stick
  245. Smart Car Based Attendance Monitoring System
  246. Smart Car Parking System
  247. Soil Moisture Measurement and Control System (Ph Optional)
  248. Stop arrival indicating system with rolling display and Voice announcement for Bus using RFID techniques
  249. Street Light Control Using Day/Night
  250. Temperature and Humidity Control for baby Incubator
  252. Time Attendance and Access Control System Using RFID Techniques
  253. Time Attendance and Access Control System Using Thumb impression
  254. Token Number Display with Voice & Security
  255. Train Anti-Collision Detection and Prevention System
  256. Vehicle Parking System
  257. Wall Following Robot
  258. Water Level Indicator
  259. Weather Monitoring System
  260. Wireless Garage Door Opening System
  261. Wireless Gas Leak Detector
  262. Wireless Humidity Monitoring System
  263. Wireless Stepper / Dc Motor Control
  264. Wireless Stepper Motor Controller Using Micro Controller Automatic Railway Gate Controlling
  265. Digital Tacho Meter
  266. Programmable Speed Control for DC Motor
  267. Microcontroller Programmer and Development Board
  268. Microchip Programmer and Development Kit
  269. Temperature, Humidity Measurement and Control System
  270. Automatic Flow Monitoring System
  271. Microprocessor-Based Automatic Street Lamp Controlling System
  272. Microprocessor-Based Security System
  273. Programmable Temperature Monitor and Control
  274. Microprocessor-Based Automatic Railway Gate Controlling System
  275. Microprocessor-Based Home Automation System
  276. Microprocessor-Based Moving Message Display
  277. Microcontroller Based Flow Meter
  278. Microprocessor Based Temperature Controller
  279. Microprocessor-Based Telephone Answering Machine
  280. Microprocessor-Based Token Number with Speech Facility
  281. Microprocessor-Based Traffic Light System
  282. Microprocessor Based Fat Detection in Milk
  283. Microprocessor Based Sprinkler Controller
  284. Railway Information Display System for Passengers
  285. Microprocessor-Based Train Speed Indicator cum Information Provider System
  286. Microcontroller Based Flow Control System
  287. Microprocessor Based Parking System
  288. Development board For 8051/8031
  289. Microcontroller Based Level Indicator
  290. remote Control for Home Appliances
  291. Microcontroller Based Fuel indicator
  292. Stepper Motor Control System
  293. Blind Mobility Aid
  294. Electronic Voting Machine
  295. Gas Leakage Detector
  296. Gas Sensing Fire Alarm system
  297. Home Automation System
  298. Auto rotating Video graphic Camera


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